Monthly Digest- Feb' 19
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February has flown by and has been packed with events. The most notable I suppose is the one with The Date Project. A charity that has achieved NGO status while being spearheaded by unpaid volunteers is nothing short of admirable. The idea is simple: buy a box of dates during Ramadan (which most Muslims around the world do anyway) and help contribute to global fundraising initiatives. All dates are ethically sourced from the Jordan Valley and depending on the tin you purchase, 100% of the donations are distributed in communities such as Syria, Bangladesh, UK and many more. If you’d like to find out how to support them, click here. 

Behind The Scenes
Something I discussed a while ago on Instagram was how to fuel creativity without burning out. I’m happy to report that the time I took away was refreshing and what I needed to reflect on where to take Golden Tiffin. What started off as a pastime has now become such a huge part of me that I don’t think I could ever completely let go! Rest assured, I will be a little more quiet on the blogging front as I work on offline projects. It’s a scary thing to follow a pipe dream and it’s taking all the guts I have to pursue conversations with agents and publishers. If anybody who reads Golden Tiffin knows more about the book publishing world, do email me!

Series Binge
Despite the hour long episodes that aren’t built for late night viewing, I’ve successfully watched every episode of True Detective: Season 3. Mahershala Ali and his aging character was an intriguing way to create a fragmented narrative- representative of the disorder he suffers in his later years.

Recipe On Repeat
Pancake Day is almost upon us and I’ll be using this opportunity to dig out an old favourite: my pathishapta recipe.

Wish List
I currently live in a house with blank white walls. I used to love the idea of eclectic gallery walls but now I sort of miss the symmetry of simple frames and only a few sitting side by side. Hotel Magique is a brand I came across that sells very affordable prints and I love the bold colours and Picasso inspired line drawings.

In case I haven’t mentioned it at least a dozen times already, I’ll be travelling to India soon. The spreadsheet is drawn, the packing cubes are on standby and hundreds of travel bloggers have been followed. One that stands out amongst the crowd is Kamalan Travel. A bespoke travel agency that recently collaborated with some incredibly talented film and digital photographers to capture India in ways you haven’t seen before. They have a great website but I recommend following their highlights on Instagram for some stunning behind the scenes footage.